Pediatric ENT

Pediatric ENT

Board Certified Otolaryngologist & Sleep Medicine located in Princeton, NJ


Children often suffer from problems with their ears, nose, and throat, especially conditions like ear infections and tonsillitis. If your child has issues like these, board-certified otolaryngologist Gerald Suh, MD, and his team at Princeton ENT and Sleep, LLC, provides the expert pediatric ENT services you need. They can diagnose and treat your child’s condition in a safe and welcoming environment, so call the Princeton, New Jersey, office to find out more or book an appointment using the online tool.

Pediatric ENT

What is pediatric ENT?

Pediatric ENT is a specialist area of ear, nose, and throat medicine that focuses on the problems children can experience as they grow up.

Ear, nose, and throat conditions could have a significant impact on your child’s quality of life and are often the underlying reason for children struggling to keep up at school.

The team at Princeton ENT and Sleep, LLC, offers expert pediatric ENT services so that your child doesn’t face avoidable difficulties.

What types of pediatric ENT conditions are there?

Many different conditions come under pediatric ENT. Some of the problems the Princeton ENT and Sleep, LLC, team specialize in include:

Ear infections

Ear infections are more common in children. They might be a complication of a cold or sinus infection or be due to bacteria infecting fluid that gathers inside the ear.

Pediatric hearing loss

Pediatric hearing loss can cause speech problems and affect your child’s development. Children should have regular hearing tests as a matter of routine, but if you suspect your child has problems hearing, take them for a hearing test at Princeton ENT and Sleep, LLC

The audiology team can perform a thorough hearing test to find out whether there’s any hearing loss and, if so, run tests to see what’s causing it.

Snoring and sleep apnea

Most children snore now and then when they’re asleep, but if it’s becoming a regular issue, there might be an underlying cause like sleep apnea. If your child has sleep apnea, it means that multiple times during the night, they stop breathing for very short periods, leaving them tired and irritable the next day.


Tonsillitis is a common pediatric ENT problem in which the tonsils in the back of your child’s throat get infected and swell. The odd bout of tonsillitis isn’t a major concern, but repeated attacks or the development of chronic tonsillitis might require further intervention.


Allergies like hay fever are a common problem for many children, affecting their progress at school. Some childhood allergies, for example, to peanuts, are also potentially life-threatening.

What treatments does pediatric ENT use?

The treatment your child needs for their pediatric ENT problem depends on the cause of their condition. Antibiotics are effective for bacterial infections and often resolve problems like ear infections and tonsillitis. Antihistamines and immunotherapy can relieve allergy symptoms.

However, if your child is suffering from frequent ear infections, they might need an ear tube. An untreated ear infection could lead to hearing loss, but a tube can help keep the ear free of fluid build-up. You can also visit Princeton ENT and Sleep, LLC, for tonsil removal surgery when necessary for your child’s health.

If your child suffers permanent hearing loss, the team has a range of advanced hearing aid options to suit their needs, including cochlear implants.

For more information on pediatric ENT or to schedule a consultation, call Princeton ENT and Sleep, LLC, today, or book an appointment online.

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